

Poetry workshops at AZC Leersum through De Vrolijkheid Foundation
Leading multilingual poetry workshops with teenagers at an asylum seekers centre in Leersum, the Netherlands through De Vrolijkheid Foundation.
The result will be a publication with the poems of the participants in Arabic, Dutch and English.


Tracing Darwish, then and now
Online publication for HetMoet Publishers in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
An essay combining poetry with personal reflections on poetry, history and current events. 

Palestine Solidarity Zine
Contribution of a section of my MA thesis about Palestine and the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish 
to the Palestine Solidarity Zine created by Tabea Nixdorff.

Available at:
Printed Matter, NYC
Het Fort van Sjakoo, Amsterdam
Limestone Books, Maastricht

Poetry workshops at AZC Leersum through De Vrolijkheid Foundation
Leading multilingual poetry workshops with teenagers at an asylum seekers centre in Leersum, the Netherlands through De Vrolijkheid Foundation.
The result was a publication with the poems of the participants in Arabic, Dutch and English.

Fallen Angel
Limited art edition (33 copies) of Fallen Angel, the third part in my trilogy: Wider Than the Sky, Wider Wings & Fallen Angel. This poetry collection compiles the third year of my daily poetry project, which I started in 2019 and continue to this day. 

Each consists of 12 folded double-sided DIN A4 sheets in a plastic cassette case, 14 x 10,5 cm, and is accompanied by my photography of the statues I love in the places that are important to me. 

€22,50 plus shipping costs. Contact me at to order a copy. 


Publication in the Mammoetje series of HetMoet Publishers
Dream Elegies: After the Red Room

Wider Wings
Limited art edition (32 copies) of Wider Wings, the poetry collection following Wider Than the Sky, collecting the second year of my daily poetry project. 

Each consists of 12 folded double-sided DIN A4 sheets in a plastic cassette case, 14 x 10,5 cm, and comes with 12 illustrations and a signed and numbered original lino-cut by Laslo Antal. Currently available in English.

3 copies left. 
Contact me at to order a copy.


Wider Than the Sky 
Second print-run of the limited art edition, comprised of one year of daily poems.

This is a limited art edition of 30 copies. Each consists of 13 folded double-sided DIN A4 sheets in a plastic cassette case, 14 x 10,5 cm, and comes with 12 illustrations and a signed and numbered original print by Laslo Antal. Available in English, Dutch and Serbian. 

Sold out.

Dichtersmarathon 2022, Perdu
Participated in Perdu’s annual Dichtersmarathon (Poetry Marathon) with excerpts from the poetry collection Wider Than the Sky and from the forthcoming book Jugoslovenska Kinoteka.


Wider Than the Sky
A year of daily haiku

The poetry collection Wider Than the Sky compiles one year of daily haiku poems by Shira Wolfe, with illustrations by
Laslo Antal, an
d reveals the details of a life lived between Belgrade, Amsterdam and Berlin. The poetry collection appeared in English, Dutch and Serbian.  

This is a limited art edition of 31 copies. Each consists of 13 folded double-sided DIN A4 sheets in a plastic case, 14 x 10,5 cm, and comes with a signed original artwork by Laslo. The last copies in this limited edition are currently on sale at the following bookstores:

Boekie Woekie, books by artists (Amsterdam)
Saint George’s English bookstore (Berlin)

Sold out elsewhere!


Haiku poetry published in haiku magazine Under the Bashō

© Shira Wolfe 2024